Thursday, 28 January 2010

Hiya everyone!

We have an interview with the local mobile vet, Chris Humes, for the next issue and one of our team members, Wendy, has had a very good week: she's become an aunt for the third time to a new baby nephew and it's her birthday tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDY! It's also Mark's 21st birthday next week. HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY MARK! We also want to welcome back our tutor Martin. WELCOME BACK MARTIN!

The Inverurie team have been over for a visit yesterday for a DALNIA meeting (it was alright, but we did secretly wish we were doing something a tiny bit more exciting). As lori is leaving SD, PG and AS take over doing Blog. Cameron get a interview Getting a new car .

Thursday, 21 January 2010


We're just teaching everyone how to use the and type up the blog as the normal bloggist is leaving and we're training up some new bloggists to take over from her.

We're making up a new booklet about Ellon Through Our Eyes (not our final title, just a working one), which explains to people what we find important about Ellon and why. When we have finished it, we'll put it up for sale along with our other publications. our next article is going to be about a mobile vet. also another article on a local volunteer looks after the river bank.